Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The importance of continuity

Today I had a short visit with people at Capitol Hill to talk about the upcoming conference in Washington DC in October. For both US and European decision makers the issue of unemployment is high on the list of important tasks to address, something that ties closely into what we do at the conference and in the ATN/Podcar community. We want a lot of young people to be engaged in building their own sustainable future as infrastructure projects take a long time. Continuity is a major challenge in our work. Politicians and decision makers change, and so do we. By having a large contingent of students and backing organizations behind them we can create a strong flow of information that carries experiences and work from today into the new realities of tomorrow. So, the next item on my personal agenda is to invite motivated students to the conference and make sure we propagate the good work of the students and supporters we have today to a larger audience at the October conference. in DC.

Longworth House, Washington DC

A short other note - I was invited as a panelist and speaker for the ASES Conference  in Baltimore last week. It was refreshing to see a larger audience than expected and also that  the possibilities of solar energy and Podcar technology was well recieved. I look forward to continue in talks with ASES on this subject as I believe that we can support each other well.